While weeding around one of the maple trees, that's going to have to be moved since it's planted much too close to the house, I came across this flower and decided it was so adorable I needed to look it up before removing it. It's a recumbent plant so the flowers on their delicate stalks look rather more graceful than the picture, courtesy of "Bramblejungle" on Flickr, shows and when the flower is closed there is just the tiniest hint of coral at the tip of each bud. I counted the petals and looked it up at this site which is a visual search engine and one of my new favorites.
It turns out that this is the scarlet pimpernel, which strikes me as being very cool for no reason that I can really explain. Although A Modern Herbal says that pimpernel are found in all temperate climates, my best guess is that it is not native to our yard as the only other place I've found it is another flowerbed and all the native/volunteer plants have a much more even distribution throughout the yard.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago