As I mentioned yesterday...
Although a decent number of my drawings in the past were of reasonable quality, I had pretty much no control over what (or generally "who" since I tend to draw humans) they turned out to be. At this point I'm not really satisfied to draw like that. I feel that drawings should express more than just that I wanted to draw, but I don't really have anything I'm trying to say with them. I don't mind doing hand studies or other practice things but what are essentially random imaginary people seems pointless for the amount of time it takes to do well.
Take an art class.
I took a number of them when I was younger. In fact, my associate degree is in art (how I wish I'd taken marketing instead). Now, even though I like learning, I don't seem to have the patience for being instructed which is rather problematic.
Please be patient. I am going somewhere (I think) with this series of post. If nothing else, it's the most writing I've done in quite awhile.
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