Monday, March 21, 2011

I did it

I got Eevie a harness and let him take me for a walk this afternoon. He seemed a lot calmer after exploring for half an hour or so. At that time he managed to ooze out of his harness when I tried to get him out from behind a bush I couldn't get to but was content to let me immediately pick him up and go inside.
I also let Son get a BB gun, but he only gets to use it when I'm watching, in fact it will live in my room, or at the house of a friend who also has one. Royal Rangers has a badge for BB guns, which he finds a lovely intersection of something useful and that he wanted to do anyway.
What I didn't do was finish clearing the flower beds as completely as I'd thought as the side beds are longer than I was originally thinking. By the time Son and I had removed six barberry bushes there wasn't any room in the trashcan to do the final long side so I think things will work out well as long as I don't forget or give up.


Barb the Evil Genius said...

Any worries about fleas?

Naomi said...

Good point, hadn't gotten that far in my thinking. I'll have to be on the look-out.