Hopefully though no one is counting the number of incredibly cheesy blog titles I use.
Anyway, shortly after getting the Kindle Fire, a Christmas gift from my in-laws, I told them that it ranked right up there with the yarn winder, another Christmas present, they got me when John and I were dating. This was very high praise as I still use the yarn winder often even after twenty years which is pretty amazing for a plastic mechanism, and a feat I'm quite sure the Kindle won't equal. Now that it's been a month I am, if anything, even more pleased with it.
I don't have a lap-top or smartphone so had been considering a tablet of some kind for awhile. There had been a lot of discussion about the relative merits of various e-readers on the Ace of Spades HQ, a blog I read a lot, Sunday Morning Book Thread and with the release of both the Fire and the NookTablet I pretty much decided that e-reader was the route for me. Eldest Kidlet got a NookColor from my in-laws for Christmas last year so I was actually planning on getting either a second one or a NookTablet, to take advantage of the fact I already had an account, when I went to Wal-mart. The readers were all similar enough that I actually ended up praying about which one to get and, although I suppose it may just seem like confirmation bias, I am sure this was the one for me.
Cue raptures 3, 2, 1, The Free Books! Squee! Enlargeable fonts! Double squee at least! Finally able to knit/crochet/whatever and read at the same time which approaches the perfect activity in my world and for which there are not squees enough. The reading area I created in my room last winter, and used twice, is used almost every evening now as I rotate through my various needlework projects or watch anime on Netflix instant streaming. I now read my Bible in the morning, with a through-the-year e-Bible I actually paid a couple of dollars for but like a lot, and read a small devotional called Daily Strength for Daily Needs that was in the public domain. After that I check the weather with the free Weather Channel app, my e-mail with the free Yahoo! app and FaceBook with an app whose price I bet you can guess. After walking Hank and getting breakfast ready I check my blogs and, more to the point, my blog lists since my blogs are mostly there as a way to store the lists of blogs I read. I've even found that the durable casing and sealed battery, something I foresee as being a great nuisance sometime in the future, means the Fire can be used while soaking in the tub( me, not it, of course) which was something I had figured would be impossible.
So, does that mean I'm writing this on my Kindle? Sadly that is the one major flaw. While the Fire is quite sufficient for commenting on other blogs and I can write a post title, it will not pull up a keyboard in the body section of Blogger. I also can't find a way to write a comment on my own FaceBook wall, although it is possible to "like" or comment on someone else's post. The only other, minor, complaint is not really the Kindle's fault but my own. I. just. can't. stop buying books. In fairness, the Kindle does give me another pricing option and the ton of free books means there is a chance that if my book budget doesn't go down I'll at least have gotten more books for the cost.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago